Welcome to Amphenol Invotec      |      16 January 2025
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Environmental Responsibility

Environmental Policy

As a manufacturer of rigid and flexible printed circuit boards, we will strive to conduct its business with respect & care for the environment. We believe that employing sound environmental strategies contributes to our competitive strength and benefits our stakeholders, customers, employees & society.

In support of this Policy we will:

  • Comply with all relevant legislation & regulation to which Invotec subscribes which relate to our environmental aspects
  • Make continual and recurring improvements to our environmental management system and our environmental performance
  • Strive to prevent pollution, minimise waste, use resources efficiently and re-use / recycle materials throughout our operations wherever effective
  • Consider environmental impacts when reviewing customers design requirements when selecting or changing materials, equipment or processes.
  • Provide education & training to our employees to raise awareness & understanding of their responsibilities for environmental stewardship.
  • Communicate this policy to all personnel working on behalf of the Company and will make freely available to the public via our website and on request
  • Implement this policy as a primary management objective & use it as a framework for setting & reviewing environmental objectives & targets

Jason Clewes – General Manager
Amphenol Invotec